Parkview Baptist Church
Young @ Heart (Senior Adults)
Come join our senior adults for a time
of fun, fellowship and food. We meet
every first Thursday of the month from
9:30 till noon.

Bible Study/Sunday School
The Bible study hour begins at 9:15 A.M.
Our goal is to equip believers to not only know the word of God but to apply it to their lives. We want everyone to be fully committed followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Ministry of Encouragement
Everyone needs encouragement. This is why we have established a seperate ministry to send cards to fellow believers. A card box is located near the pastors office for this purpose. Please write your name on the card just in case it must be returned. No letters will be mailed. Please check the box to see if you have a card addressed to you!
Irene Benefield
Memorial Library
Come check out books and movies for all ages!
The Library is open one half hour before Sunday
school and Sunday and Wednesday night services.
You might be surprised by the selection.